Sunday 2 April 2017

The Dinosaur who found The Secret Horn

The next story is devoting to exploit linguistic skills so as learning how to make friends. We have created the activity by means of My Storymaker.

You can access to the story writing "PRA168" once you have clicked this link.

The Glutton Crocodile

This is the story of a crocodile who was very hungry. The main goal of this activity is fostering linguistic skills and learning good habits.

You can access to the story by clicking here

Friday 17 March 2017


With Vocaroo we can implement activities to develop oral skills in the classroom . We may record messages depending on the theme we are working on. In this example, we are singing the alphabet song.

Record and upload audio >>

Sunday 12 March 2017

Penguin´s Actions

Children will watch and listen to the video. Then, they will attempt to say the actions that the penguins are doing. We may give them some cues about the context before doing the activity.

The Cat´s Alphabet

We will teach them the alphabet by using the virtual image of a cat. He spells the letters as if he were real. After the listening we will put into practice what we have learnt, for example, naming objects that contain certain letter.


             We can access to the speaking avatar by clicking  here




Thursday 23 February 2017

Writing Worksheet

Tools for educators is a site for creating worksheets and other classrooms printable materials. We can find diferent options to practice writing and reading skills. We can customize our activities with some audio and video.

The aim of this proposal is to develop linguistic skills in students and facilitate resources for teachers.

We can access to the link by clicking here here