Thursday 23 February 2017

Writing Worksheet

Tools for educators is a site for creating worksheets and other classrooms printable materials. We can find diferent options to practice writing and reading skills. We can customize our activities with some audio and video.

The aim of this proposal is to develop linguistic skills in students and facilitate resources for teachers.

We can access to the link by clicking here here

Interactive Games

Symbaloo is a website which allows users to organise and share the resources found on the Net.

We can find activities for toddlers and preschoolers. They can practice written, reading and listening skills. They also develop their motor skills, using the mouse and interact while playing.

You can access to the web by clicking here

Matching Fruits

Hot Potatoes is an authoring tool that allows us to create different activities, i.e., gap-filling, matching, crosswords, multiple-choice, among others.


In this page, we provide an activity to foster the use of new technologies in the early years sector. Children can develop their cognitive abilities through a wide range of activities.

We can access to this matching game by clicking here

Alphabet game

Prezi is an application that allows us to create our genuine materials. We can access to visual options, images, shapes, diagrams, and music among others.

Through the link I attach below you can provide children listening experiences. It shows them attractive images and sounds in order to familiarize with the alphabet and oral skills.

You can access to the activity by cliking here here